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Features of Tally

Features of Tally

In this world of competition and increasing business, where Tally has crossed all the borders, it has become one of the best, reliable, fastest accounting software that complicates the business's complexity of accounting requirements. Tally is one of the most powerful, multilingual and business accounting software that helps in publishing various accounting stocks and most other reports, while recording at the click of a single button. The various features contained in this unique accounting software and its benefits are as follows.
  1. Using tally is very simple because it has been able to get instant account information immediately with instant (instant) data entry and blinking speed.
  2. This enables the user to record, view and generate accounting records in the selected language. This is one of Tally's important features.
  3. This allows 99999 companies to keep records of the company together.
  4. One of the key features of Tally is that it enables the creation of reports for those companies where the accounts of more than one hundred lockouts are managed.
  5. More detailed data is compiled and updated by the telly.
  6. Enabling collection reminder by the Tally ensures assistance in better cash flow, which is also helpful in interest savings.
  7. In case of Tally payments, it enables the identification of bad debtors and defaulters.
  8. Tally helps us in managing the company's inventory, which is capable of knowing the inventory level according to the product and is also capable of determining the reorder level for different products at the fixed level by the user.
  9. Tally's features include making products according to the invoice and cost benefit analysis.
  10. One of the useful benefits of Tally is that it enables us to understand and analyze performance levels for multiple periods. This enables us to understand customer buying patterns.
  11. It is capable of tracking the stock.
  12. This enables us to monitor more than one warehouse location so that we have the facility to make decisions based on the condition.
  13. Tally is capable of calculating various accounting ratios that help monitor performance and enables them to make big and right decisions.
  14. This enables us to do cost-center analysis. This is one of the most up-to-date features of Tally.

Tally screen components
It is very important to familiarize yourself with different components of the telly screen before starting the work in the tally. Different components included in this screen are as follows.
1. Title Bar:- Shows the version of Tally.

2. Horizontal button bar: - Provides the option to select Language key, Key board and Tally help.

3. Minimize button: - Standard Windows Operating Systems executes function, allows us to minimize the tally and work on other applications. To restore the Tally, click on the Tally icon on the taskbar.

4. Gateway of Tally: - Displays menus, screens, reports and accepts those options and ambitions, which we call
Choose to watch as you want.
5. Button tool bar: - Indicates buttons that provide instant interaction with the telly. Only those buttons are visible which are related to the current work.

6. Calculator:- Calculator is used to calculate.

7. Bottom Pen:- Version shows release date, current date and system time.

8. Language Button: - Allows user to configure language.
9. Keyboard Button: - Allows user to configure language for the phonetic keyboard.

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